50sq/ft Filter for Coleman/Maax Spas. 9" length (not including stem), 8" diameter, with stem on one side and 2 1/8" hole on the other side. Commonly used on 1994-1995 models: 204 208 408, 1996-1997 models: 204 208 301 408, 1998 models: 105 204 208 301 408, 1999 models: 103 105 204 208 408, 2000 models: 103 104 105 408 502, 2001-2002 models: 104 105 502 508 509, 2003 models: 104 105 361 461 502, 2004-2005 models: 104 105 351 361 461, 2006-2008 models: 103 104 105 106 351 461